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Mindfulness Training & Sports Psychology

Mindfulness Training & Sports Psychology

Mindfulness Training to Improve Mental Performance in Sport

Mindfulness Training:

Historically, performance in sport was thought of as purely a physical endeavor. If you want to get faster, train more explosively. If you want to get fitter, train more aerobically. The importance of training specificity is well documented; however, this doesn’t mean other methods should be overlooked. This article focuses on the field of mindfulness and sports psychology, a practice which was first used in competition by the Russian Olympic team in 1984 (although documented as far back as 1920), who used it to positively affect sporting performance (Newmark, 2018). Since then, sports psychologists and neuroscientists have continued to research how mindfulness training can help individuals perform to a higher standard.


What does Mindfulness Training Entail?

It’s important to state that there are many methods used to improve an individual’s level of mindfulness, however, being sports related this article is going to focus on a practice called Mindful Sports Performance Enhancement (MSPE). This covers several aspects of mental performance such as anxiety, confidence, concentration, flow-states and stress (Kaufman, Glass, & Arnkoff, 2009). MSPE doesn’t have a fixed protocol, instead it relies on a variety of psychological techniques such as visualization, self-talk, meditation and breathing techniques.


The Effects of MSPE on Psychological & Performance Indicators:

Studies have shown that an MSPE protocol performed as little as 60 minutes per week (3x20 minute sessions) for 4-weeks was enough to significantly improve sporting performance and psychological factors (Mistretta et al., 2017). These can be split into two categories; Direct and general. Direct psychological benefits include improvements to mental toughness, emotion regulation during competition, decreased anxiety and increased relaxation and physical performance. General psychological benefits were less essential to sporting performance but still proved useful in everyday life such as confidence, better self-understanding and improved concentration (Kapur & Dev Dhunna, 2017).

It’s sometimes hard to calculate an exact figure of how beneficial Sports Psychology can be for individuals because the majority of results are self-reported and subjective, however the research is positive and if you want to maximize your performance on all fronts its advisable to seek out a sports psychologist, mental coach or further your knowledge on mindfulness training.


Kapur, A., & Dev Dhunna, K. (2017). Effect of visualization technique in reducing anxiety level of soccer male players in competition situations. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research, 2(3), 74-75.

Kaufman, K. A., Glass, C. R., & Arnkoff, D. B. (2009). Evaluation of Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE): A New Approach to Promote Flow in Athletes. doi:10.1123/jcsp.3.4.334

Mistretta, E. G., Glass, C. R., Spears, C. A., Perskaudas, R., Kaufman, K. A., & Hoyer, D. (2017). Collegiate Athletes’ Expectations and Experiences with Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement. J Clin Sport Psychol, 11(3), 201-221. doi:10.1123/jcsp.2016-0043

Newmark, T. (2018). Cases in Visualization for Improved Athletic Performance. Psychiatric Annals, 42(10), 385-387. doi:10.3928/00485713-20121003-07

Written by Nevin Mills - The Strength Institute of Western Australia

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