Lower Body Exercises, Speed and Acceleration

In field sports, speed is an athletic quality that has direct impact on the game. While having a big bench press is great, it's unlikely to affect the score line. Outright pace however, can beat defenders, break the line, and score in the corner. Whilst training for maximum strength is important, as the saying goes, “speed kills”.

Building a Better Neck

Neck strength is pivotal for the front row in rugby union and has been closely associated with concussion risk and prevention in contact sports. I have listed below a few examples of neck exercises that you can perform with a partner. Throwing some of these exercises in the mix is a great way to add variety to your strength program.

Is Weight Training Safe?

One of the most common misconceptions about weight training is that it can cause more harm than good, particularly in juveniles and adolescents. The fact of the matter is that due to predictable and repeatable movements, injury rates while lifting weights are greatly reduced when compared with sports that have an increased random component to them.

Hamstring Risk Indicators

The posterior thigh muscles, better known as the “Hamstrings” are one of the most commonly injured muscle groups within the athletic population. To reduce both the severity and number of hamstring injuries sustained, its best to understand the associated risk factors.

High Fat Diets for Performance

This article explores the alternative of performance while implementing a low carbohydrate diet. Before we look into a few studies its important to iron out some of the finer points. Firstly this article is investigating the effects of low carbohydrate diets on aerobic/endurance performance.