The Strength Institute is a personal Training, Strength & Conditioning Studio. Our mission is to Maximise your physical & mental potential using a scientific approach to Strength & Conditioning.

Sleep 4 Performance with Dr. Ian Dunican

Sleep 4 Performance with Dr. Ian Dunican

Sleep Science: Optimising Sleep for Enhanced Recovery & Performance

In this podcast I talk with Dr. Ian Dunican, a Sleep Scientist and PhD holder with a thesis in Sleep and Performance in Elite Combat and Contact Athletes. Ian breaks down the science behind sleep cycles and how they affect the mind and body, optimising your sleep and sleeping conditions, current and future technologies in the field of sleep science and how sleep can effect your performance.

Sleep Science: Optimising Sleep for Enhanced Recovery & Performance In this podcast I talk with Dr. Ian Dunican, a Sleep Scientist and PhD holder with a thesis in Sleep and Performance in Elite Combat and Contact Athletes.

Please remember to like, share & subscribe. As well as being on YouTube in video format, this podcast episode is available in audio on all major Podcast apps. Enjoy!

Extra Resources:

-Prevalence of Sleep Disorders in Elite Rugby Union Players:

-10 Sleep Hygiene Tips:

  1. Routine-get up & go to bed at same time every day

  2. Exercise daily & consume minimal caffeine

  3. Deal with ‘stress’ during the day/early evening

  4. Don’t go to bed hungry/thirsty

  5. No caffeine, nicotine, alcohol or heavy exercise 3-4 hrs before bed

  6. No screen time at least 60 mins before bed and no light emitting screens in the bedroom

  7. Bedroom comfortable & inviting (temperature, quiet, dark)

  8. Avoid daytime naps >20 mins

  9. Avoid work within 90 mins of bed

  10. If awake after 20 mins, do something relaxing out of bed until sleepy

Podcast Participant: Dr. Ian Dunican - Melius Consulting & Sleep4Performance

Google Scholar Profile:


Melius Consulting:



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