Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning Services, Nutritional Guidance and Body Composition.
I’m joined in studio again by Rob Barton. He recently set a world record as the first person to row a boat across the Indian Ocean from mainland Australia to mainland Africa. Listen in to hear about this wild adventure!
How often should you lift weights/week..? Once, twice.. 10 times?? Find out what we think!
Well.. I’m way out of my comfort zone here and decided to run a marathon. With zero to little experience in running I needed some help! Follow along as I figure this thing out, 1km at a time!
Over the last 2 years, my body composition has really slipped. The excuses? Busy with work, multiple injuries, planning a wedding, honeymoon and trips around the world.. but its time to take ownership and make a change! This series will have 100% transparency on my process and I won't stop until I hit 10% body fat!